You know, until you experience it, I bet many people think certain 'jobs' are easy. Lets say, stay at home moms. I am not a mom, but just watching a child for a couple of hours wears me out, I can't image what a SAHM feels like. Not only does she have to watch her kid(s) she is also doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, entertaining her kids etc.

This brings me to a stay at home crafter/artist. This summer I decided to stay at home and work on my crafts while doing different festivals and shows rather than working a crappy summer job somewhere at the mall. Yes, I can make my own hours and stay in my pjs all day, but honestly, it's hard work! I can't just clock in and clock out like I did working retail or waitressing. This is an all around the clock job! I'm constantly looking for festivals, applying, remembering to send in logos, payments, updating my shops, and of course, creating things! When you have a dog that acts like a toddler and constantly throws the ball in your hands when you are making things, well, it's tough to ignore it.

I have to make sure that I have enough pieces made for a show depending on how many days/hours I will be there and the popularity of the show. This week I'll be leaving for the West Virginia State Fair. I've never done one of these nor have a done a show that is 8 days long! And apparently from what I hear, this show is crazy busy and people come there to shop! For a simple 2-3 day show 250 pieces of jewelry/hair accessories is a good number. I need quadruple that for the state fair. And while preparing for the state fair I have other festivals or jewelry parties that I'm doing so my inventory goes down constantly. Sometimes I even hope I won't sell anything so that I have enough inventory for the state fair.

Not only is the state fair stressing me out, but the day after I get back, I start student teaching. I still don't know what school I'll be at or my schedule. The education department is not very good at giving things to students ahead of time. Then throughout the fall I have at least 5 shows planned so that means teaching, taking care of home and my dog PLUS making things for these fairs! Man, I will be exhausted after this semester, but hopefully it will be worth it all.
These are the shows I have set in stone, though there are 2-3 more that are tentative:
★ WV State Fair, Lewisburg (Aug 13-21)
★ Mound Arts fair in S. Charleston (Sep 11)
★ Oktoberfest in Montgomery, WV (Sep 18)
★ Pumpkin Festival, Milton WV (Oct 7-10)
★ Craftin' Outlaws in Columbus, OH (Oct 16)