The first is a cosmetic bag. I sewed the zipper in a little weird at the end so I don't feel comfortable listing it in my shop but it is perfectly usable! It is made in a gorgeous Tina Givens fabric!
The second thing I'm giving away is an assortment of new and vintage trims, ties and straps. I have been collecting them but don't see myself using them in the near future so they will be going out to one of you lucky SMS readers!

Mandatory to Enter:
1. Comment on my blog on which giveaway you'd like to win (please include your email!) and what you would use the winning item(s) for.
Up To Five Additional Entries (and leave separate comments for each):
1. Follow my blog via google friends connect or reader.
2. "Like" my Facebook page and leave me your name
3. Follow me on twitter and leave your twitter name
4. Heart my sewing shop nitelily designs and leave me your etsy name
5. Heart my jewelry shop nitelily glamour and leave me your etsy name
Giveaway will be open until May 25th and winners will be chosen via Random.org
**Make sure you leave your email address so I can contact you! If you do not leave an email address, your post(s) will be deleted!**

Mandatory to Enter:
1. Comment on my blog on which giveaway you'd like to win (please include your email!) and what you would use the winning item(s) for.
Up To Five Additional Entries (and leave separate comments for each):
1. Follow my blog via google friends connect or reader.
2. "Like" my Facebook page and leave me your name
3. Follow me on twitter and leave your twitter name
4. Heart my sewing shop nitelily designs and leave me your etsy name
5. Heart my jewelry shop nitelily glamour and leave me your etsy name
Giveaway will be open until May 25th and winners will be chosen via Random.org
**Make sure you leave your email address so I can contact you! If you do not leave an email address, your post(s) will be deleted!**
I love the bag (that would be my first choice. I would also put good use to the trim also though!
thanks for the fun giveaway
misaacmom at gmail dot com
What a gorgeous pouch! I love the fabric you've chosen.
And I'm a follower! Bellgirlsblog [at] gmail [dot] com
I've hearted your shop and I love the chequebook cover with the apples on it! Bellgirlsblog [at] gmail [dot] com
I would like to win the second prize with the trims. (Even though the first prize looks VERY PRETTY! Suche pretty fabric!)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
You are welcome to check out mine, too. You could win some custom-made buttons! :-)
ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de
Liked your facebook page - name is Muffins and more
You are welcome to like my page, too. :-)
ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de
Am following you on twitter ... (Muffinsnmore)
ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de
Oh, this is SUCH a hard choice! I think I would go with the trims! I would use them for my paper crafting along with my art dolls that I love to create! jinglesells at gmail dot com
I like your FB page! (Jennifer Ingle)
I follow you on Twitter! @JustJingle
I would love to win the trims. Thanks for the chance to win !
I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the trims. I would use them on quilts and bags that i plan on making.
atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
i am a follower
atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
I would love to win the cosmetic pouch. Your choice of fabric makes it a perfect gift for my childhood friend, the fabulous Rebecca.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
I'd like to win the trims for use on the bags I plan to make over the summer break.
I like both your giveaways, especially the trims to use on my cards
jolea dot 1994 at gmail dot com
Very cool! assortment of new and vintage trims, ties and straps would be my choice!
thanks also for a chance to win!
i'm now following through gfc...
thanks also for a chance to win!
I would love the cosmetics bag for my daughter who wishes I would make more stuff like this. Thank you for participating in the SMS Giveaway Day. pennyguglie@aol.com
Hi there, I would love to win the trims. I would use them for bags or clothes. Thanks for the chance!
I am a new follower. :)
I am now following you on Twitter: Jansie0920
I 'Like' you on FB: Jansie Butts Martin
love the bag, and totally need a new one for my make-up!!
email is in profile.
love the cute little bag such cute fabric.
The trims would be my first choice as I can always use more trims in my various sewing projects!
debyeo at hotmail dot com
I follow on Twitter as dspdavey. :)
O love vintage ribbons! It's my obsession if you wish:))
yana.malysheva7 at gmail d0t com
Love the clutch!
jenb0799 (at) mail (dot) com
I'd love any of them!
Thanks for the chance :D
fsarah09 at gmail dot com
Greetings from Malaysia! I'd love to win that pretty bag please!
Thanks for the opportunity! What an awesome giveaway!
My email is: imafulltimemummy at gmail dot com
'd love an assortment of trims and ties. I often run short of just the thing I need and do not live anywhere near a shop.
I'd love to win the cosmetic bag!
myheehaw at hotmail dot com
I am in need of a little cosmetics bag, and that fabric is gorgeous! Thanks! megancparsons(at)gmail(dot)com
Would love the vintage trims!
Awesome giveaway!
I would love to win the cosmetic bag! It's very lovely!
ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com
I love TG fabric and the pouch (: Thanks for a great giveaway! izazbz at yahoo dot com
I followed you on Twitter. I love that pouch. Thanks again for a great giveaway! izazbz at yahoo dot com
I hearted your glamour shop. izazbz at yahoo dot com
I hearted your jewelry shop. izazbz at yahoo dot com
I would love the cosmetic bag. Very pretty.
The bag is adorable--I'd use it for all the random stuff in the bottom of my bag!! I'd also put the straps/trims to good use, probably in the wristlets I'm working on.
Blogger isn't letting me sign out of our store (baseball cards!) blog for whatever bloggy reason it may have--my personal blog is
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Hearted your design store--trishatoo
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Hearted your glamour store--trishatoo
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Blog following you!!
trishatoo at hotmail dot com
Hi! I'm new to blogs so I don't know what it means to be a google follower and I don't have twitter or facebook. But I love your zippered pouch! I would carry it in my purse with my couple medications and eye drops. GOsh that sounds horrible...it's nothing serious, I assure you! :) KERIHAG@YAHOO.COM P.S. If we ever sell our house we want to move to WV!
I'd love the bag! Thanks for the giveaway!
Email is in my profile. :)
I'm following you!
Email is in my profile.
I'd like to win the trims and straps! I think I'd make belts or add detail to some clothes :D
jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com
I'd love that bag. To hold my stuff, of course!
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
I'd love the bag, but would use either. I'd use the bag to hold small stuff inside my tote. And the trims for puppet making.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I would choose the trims because they will inspire me, but that bag is absolutely adorable!
I'd love to win that cute little pouch. I am a new follower on Google Reader and GFC. esterling9 at aol dot com
I liked you on facebook and left you a comment under the name Evelene Sterling
esterling9 at aol dot com
I am following you on twitter under the name EveleneS thanks for a chance to win. esterling9 at aol dot com
I hearted Nitelily designs in the estsy shop under the name Auntiebimbi
esterling9 at aol dot com
I hearted your Nitelily glamour in the estsy page under the name of Auntiebimbi
i would love to win that little pouch! so cute! i would use it as a little bag! thanks!
nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com
The pouch is cute. I like stuff that keeps me organized.
I like the straps! I want to learn to sew tote bags, so I bet I could find some uses for these :)
katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com
i love the cosmetic bag..so pretty!! thanks for the giveaway!!raineoc@yahoo.com
My choice would be the cosmetics bag if i win.
my first choice would be the cosmetic bag- very pretty
How, fun, I'd love to win the first prize, so cute! Thanks for the chance to win! :)
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
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